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Thrive Voyager Interview Series: Trailblazers Uncovered – The Businesses Reshaping Transformational Travel

Thrive Voyager Interview Series: Trailblazers Uncovered – The Businesses Reshaping Transformational Travel

In the Thrive Voyager Interview Series, we spotlight visionary businesses and dynamic leaders transforming the travel industry. Through these conversations, we offer an exclusive glimpse into companies making significant strides in transformational travel. Today, we are honoured to feature Kristie from The Escape Artist, whose commitment to regenerative, sustainable, and VIP travel experiences sets a high bar for the series. Join us as we delve into Kristie’s journey, insights, and innovations in creating life-changing travel experiences.

Origin of Innovation: What sparked the idea for your business/ brand, and how does it contribute to the concept of transformational travel?

The Escape Artist was born from a desire to use my travel design skills, knowledge, expertise, and connections to curate life-changing adventures for travellers all around the world. 

To me, travel is about far more than just holidays. I believe that travel can be one of our greatest teachers, and I know that every trip has the potential to create at least a small, if not a significant, shift in our lives. 

Transformational travel really is therefore at the core of what I do. 

My Travel Design brand journey began with a deep passion for creating experiences that go beyond the ordinary. The Escape Artist is all about crafting highly personalised travel itineraries and ensuring each trip is a tailored masterpiece. I’m really there to listen to your dreams, identify your needs, and curate an itinerary that will give you everything that you want and more. A completely bespoke travel experience with a specific focus on unique and boutique accommodation and experiences. 

As much as I see transformational travel as a tool to open your eyes to the world, teach you new skills and cultural insights, and reconnect you with yourself, I am also a strong believer in the responsibility that we have towards sustainability in the travel industry. I therefore love to be able to choose which people and projects to support on the ground, enriching the lives of locals alongside the lives of my clients. 

In essence, The Escape Artist offers transformative travel experiences that are not only luxurious but also meaningful and responsible. By providing VIP travel services and a dedicated travel concierge service, I strive to make every journey a transformational adventure that caters to your every whim and desire, as well as leaving a lasting positive impact for the traveller, and the locals in the destination too.

Commitment to Sustainability: How does your business/brand implement sustainable practices, and what impact have these had on the environment and local communities?

As a travel designer, I don’t have as much direct effect on communities as, say, a tour operator or hotel, but I’m equally passionate and dedicated to creating a positive impact. 

Sustainability is deeply intertwined with my business goals, and I strive to integrate it into every aspect of my work. From small choices like using a reusable bamboo business card to studying sustainability factors in the travel industry, I really am committed to making a difference.

One key way in which I contribute to sustainability is by supporting grassroots organizations around the world through donations that help them with their valuable work. This approach allows me to contribute to meaningful projects that support the environment and local communities which is something very close to my heart. 

I am also very conscious about the kinds of hotels and partners that I promote, and take great interest in the projects that they too run on the ground to support the environment, locals, and animals. 

Sustainability is not just a buzzword for me; it’s a core value at the heart of my business. I believe we all have a part to play in sustainability in our industry, and I’m certainly dedicated to doing what I can to play mine. By carefully selecting VIP travel services and partners who share my commitment to sustainability, I ensure that my clients enjoy transformative travel experiences that are both luxurious and environmentally responsible.

Moreover, my role too as a travel concierge allows me to educate my clients about sustainable travel practices and encourages them to support local communities and eco-friendly accommodations. This enhances their travel experience and ensures a positive impact on the destinations they visit.

I like to think that my commitment to sustainability as a travel designer can help to create a ripple effect, inspiring others to make sustainable decisions wherever possible too. By integrating sustainability into every aspect of my business, I aim to promote transformational travel that enriches the lives of travellers and supports the well-being of our planet and people too. 

Distinctive Experiences: What exceptional experiences does your business/brand provide that sets it apart in the travel industry?

Though some of the industry is finally waking up to the transformative powers of travel, this has always been something that has deeply resonated with me. 

As a personal development and wellness enthusiast from a young age, I am also an accredited coach, and I love to weave these skills into my travel design service to really meet people where they are at, and understand their motivations and desires on a deeper level. These are skills that enable me not only to tailor highly personalised itineraries, but also to curate life-changing moments and experiences. 

I’m also highly dedicated to finding the coolest places and most unique accommodations in the world. From years of intrepid travelling and visiting the very best hotels, to consistent research, and attending industry conferences all over the globe, a lot of my time is dedicated to product knowledge and therefore ensuring the most exceptional experiences for my clients wherever their adventures take them. 

I partner with only the best providers worldwide and always have somebody in the know, regardless of how obscure the destination is. I like to think that with my connections and contacts, I can make (almost) anything happen anywhere in the world, and I don’t think that’s something that everybody in the travel industry can say! 

Furthermore, I believe in the power of transformational travel to change lives. I love to be able to design trips that inspire both unforgettable memories and deep personal growth. Focusing on unique and boutique accommodations and experiences ensures that each itinerary is not just a vacation but a deeply enriching experience.

My role as a travel designer involves far more than just booking flights and hotels. It’s about understanding your dreams and curating an experience that exceeds your expectations. By offering VIP travel services, I provide a level of personalisation and attention to detail that a traditional travel agent just couldn’t match.

The Escape Artist really is all about curating transformative travel experiences that go beyond the ordinary, providing unparalleled service, unique accommodations, and life-changing adventures. My commitment to mind-blowing travel adventures with personal growth entwined ensures that every journey could also be a step towards a more enriched and enlightened life.

Visionary Perspective: What is your personal/brand vision for the future of travel and hospitality, and how is this vision realised through the business?

Recently, many people are taking more purposeful travel trips, from personal journeys of wellness and transformation to delving deeper into Indigenous culture and ancient methods. Many of these trips are also taking place in destinations not so frequently visited in the past. I believe that this is partly spurred by a deep desire to enhance our understanding of each other and ourselves and to reconnect with the simplicities of life. And with over-tourism continuing to be an issue, I hope that this growing desire to explore wider horizons will continue to grow. 

Transformational travel is becoming a key driver in this shift, encouraging travellers to seek experiences that offer profound personal growth and meaningful connections, the kind of experiences that could just as easily, if not more so, be created off the beaten track.  As a travel designer, I am committed to creating these kinds of transformative travel experiences that satisfy this desire for deeper connection while also promoting sustainable and responsible tourism practices.

While some are slowing down and focusing on heartfelt reconnection, the industry is also advancing with technology. Innovations like biometric tech are predicted to start taking over airport processes, and hybrid Airlander 10, zero emission airships are set for take-off in 2028 which could be one way in which we revolutionise how we travel. 

With continuing advancements in technology, convenience will certainly be a priority for many, as well as, I believe, finding new ways of exploring such as new types of aircraft, luxury rail, and luxury yachts/cruisers. Acting as a travel designer I’m always hot on staying on top of these trends to offer my clients the latest and most exciting travel options.

It is a very interesting time in the industry and I’m curious to see how these contrasting desires to step back and push forward at the same time simultaneously will develop. As a millennial, I think this combination of self and world exploration, combined with an interest in new technology comes quite naturally to me, and I am always dedicated to staying on top of all industry news, as well as connected with my personal and brand authenticity and values. 

At The Escape Artist, my vision for the future of travel and hospitality is one where VIP travel services are seamlessly integrated with sustainable and meaningful experiences. By offering VIP travel options that prioritise both luxury and sustainability, I aim to lead the way in providing transformative travel that enriches the lives of travellers and supports the well-being of our planet and people. 

My brand vision is to create a harmonious balance between technology and tradition, convenience and connection, luxury and sustainability. Through The Escape Artist, I strive to realise this vision by continuously evolving and adapting to the changing landscape of the travel industry while maintaining a steadfast commitment to providing exceptional and meaningful travel experiences.

Overcoming Obstacles: What challenges have you or your brand faced in aligning your business with sustainable and transformative travel principles, and what successes have you achieved?

It’s undeniable that we face many challenges in the travel industry such as over-tourism in ever-popular destinations and wasteful use of resources. And being an industry that employs 10% of the world’s population, where many different cultural traditions and diverse ideas of the world exist, sustainability becomes an incredibly complex topic.

Air travel is a particularly tough challenge because building sustainable solutions takes time. However, despite the rampant flight shaming, I like to remind people of the good that tourism brings. I also love to explore slower and more sustainable travel options wherever possible with clients. As a travel designer, I’d say many are becoming receptive to this. By promoting alternative travel methods, such as luxury rail, as well as encouraging a slower pace of travel where possible, I love to help clients enjoy transformative travel experiences that are both enriching and environmentally responsible.

Another sustainability challenge concerns animal welfare because we are constantly learning about ethical wildlife tourism and sometimes have to place boundaries around the kind of activities that will be booked for clients. In recent years as a Travel Designer I am generally finding that clients are understanding about this and happy to learn. 

I’m personally very dedicated to learning about sustainability. Often, the power is in the partners that I choose to work with, and this is why the years that I’ve spent building my network are incredibly valuable. By collaborating with like-minded providers who prioritise sustainability, I can offer VIP travel services that are both luxurious and eco-friendly.

Though the challenges in aligning my business with sustainable travel principles are sometimes out of my control, through dedication, continuous learning, and strategic partnerships, I have learned how to successfully promote many sustainable choices providing exceptional travel experiences. 

In contrast, I haven’t found transformational travel principles challenging as this has always had roots in the way that I work. Integrating transformative travel into my itineraries comes naturally, as my focus has always been on creating meaningful and life-changing experiences for my clients.

Journey of the Founder: How has your personal journey in establishing and managing this business shaped your views on travel, sustainability, and innovation?

I have always been fiercely independent and determined, and I’ve always liked to go my own way, so it seemed inevitable to me that I would start my own business someday. However, the timing was rather interesting!

Deciding to start my self-employed journey just before the pandemic and consequently launching my travel design brand when many parts of the world were technically ‘closed’ was a serious challenge, to be honest. But it only drove home my determination, passion, dedication to the travel industry, and desire to innovate how my future clients would see and experience travel worldwide.

With a very uncertain future, and many businesses having to close, unsurprisingly people told me not to continue, but I honestly couldn’t, and can’t, imagine doing anything else! Travel really is my life and work. 

For such a popular and significant industry, I believe innovation is essential, as is a focus on sustainability. The more I have learned about overtourism, animal and human welfare, and the environmental effects of travel, the more dedicated I have been to the topic. I hope to have a greater impact in this area in the future too, so, watch this space! The journey of establishing and managing The Escape Artist has certainly deepened my understanding of the intricate balance between luxury and sustainability. It has also taught me the importance of innovation in offering VIP travel services that cater to modern travellers’ evolving needs and desires. 

In terms of transformational travel, I also believe that blending my coaching skills with my role as a travel designer and travel concierge has given me a unique perspective on the importance of transformative travel. I have seen firsthand how travel can change lives, and I am committed to creating experiences that are not only luxurious but also have the potential to be life-changing. By offering these VIP travel services, with a real intent to understand the driving forces and desires behind each adventure, I strive to provide my clients with unforgettable journeys that have the potential for deep impact. 

By continuously learning and adapting, I aim to push the boundaries of what is possible in the travel industry, offering transformative travel experiences that delight my clients and contribute positively to the world.

Lasting Impressions: What is the one enduring impression or experience you want your clients to take away from their interaction with your business/brand?

That travel is more than just holidays. Travel has the potential to change your life as well as the lives of people in the destinations that you visit. Travel is both a teacher, and a gift, and not everyone has access to this luxury. So really make the most of it and truly appreciate it! 

Break through those comfort zones, try new things, delve deeper into the culture, and consider new ideas. Travel with your eyes and heart wide open. Try new places, speak to new people, and do all of this with the peace of mind of knowing that you’re never alone because The Escape Artist has curated your itinerary especially for you and, along with my worldwide partners, is at the end of the phone if you need anything while you jet off around the world on your adventures! 

My goal as a Travel Designer is for every client to return home with a new zest for life and even a new perspective, enriched by the cultures they have encountered and the adventures they have experienced. And of course for them to know that they’ll never travel again without my meticulously planned, VIP travel services, totally transforming their time away! 

We at Thrive Voyager would like to thank Kristie at The Escape Artist for sharing her insights and dedication to providing exceptional and personalised travel experiences that go beyond the ordinary. With a commitment to sustainability and a passion for creating life-changing moments, Kristie ensures that every journey is a unique adventure. To plan your next bespoke trip, contact Kristie and let her expertise guide you on an unforgettable journey.

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